Monday, April 10, 2006

The Poetry Explsion Newsletter

between the lines

light tender verses
written by way of clouds melt
into the evening
as spindle summons quietly
magpies to bridge the river

in the darkest hour
when grief can not be expressed
by the words that fail
cutting diamond of poet
carves the mirror of my soul

two pairs of the eyes
burn through each other missing
a single glance of love
is lost among reflections
in labyrinth of mirrors

there's no history
when God said, "Let there be light"
the night of heaven
opened eyelids of the stars
falling in love at first sight

blossoming lilac
constellations of flowers
put to shame the stars
composing delightful scrolls
of the five-petal tanka

for Tanabata
i have only two wishes
clear sky in July
as the Seventh Moon rises
and the blue song of Lyra

the moon at its birth
milky smoke over water
is hiding a smile
of the growing power lit
in the heart of this night

i'm but an orphan
even your verses can't soothe
the pain of my loss
the essence that has no name
is hidden between the lines

when in the morning
the sun will spread bright wings
the window of your abode
i shall awaken smilling
The Poetry Explosion Newsletter (The Pen), July/2006, 5
all rights reserved © Natalia L. Rudychev


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